Zhatka Meat Is Not Just About Doing Good But It Is Also Very Good For You. We Had Our Meat Tested And Here Are The Results!

Zhatka Meat Is Not Just About Doing Good But It Is Also Very Good For You. We Had Our Meat Tested And Here Are The Results!

Part of trusting where your food comes from is knowing what’s in it. At Zhatka, we offer full transparency by posting our livestock standards online, adding a tracking label on our food from farmer to processor, and sharing all ingredients so you know exactly what you are consuming.

We wanted to take it one step further by testing our grass fed, pastured meat to show how much better it really is. We know pasture-raised and grass-fed animals are healthier and happier, but we are so excited to share how the nutrients consumed by our animals impact the meat you are ordering from our family farms.

So, what did we decide to focus on with this test? Omega 3 fatty acids. With a long history of providing benefits to the body from reducing the risk of heart disease to improving mental health, among many others, we felt this was an excellent measurement of the nutritional value of our meat.

Expert recommendations call for intakes of omega 3 (EPA and DHA) between 250-2000mg per day for optimal health. An estimated 91% of Americans are deficient in Omega-3, this has been correlated with premature death2.

We worked with a leading facility in testing omega-3 - an expert in the area of omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids were analyzed by traditional methods employing acid hydrolysis and subsequent analysis by gas chromatography or GC. Fatty acids were determined by comparing them to authentic standards and data was presented in milligram (mg) fatty acid per 100g serving.

Here's what happened when the expert tested our products...

Results from this study demonstrate that our pasture raised chicken, and goat, have significantly higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids including EPA and DHA, the long-chain omega 3s. As you probably know by now, all of our animals are pasture-raised and grass-fed which is important to note with this study.

Grass-fed protein sources have a number of nutritional advantages, including their omega 3 content. While we can consume omega 3 dietary supplements, food-based solutions are a preferred method and our meats provide an excellent dietary option for omega 3.

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