About Us

Zhatka is a Hindu faith-based meat producer delivering humanely raised, regeneratively farmed meat directly from our farm to your door. We are pioneers in reconnecting people with their food sources through ethical, humane farming practices that respect the soil, and the animals while honoring the ancient principle of respect for all life.

We plan to transform the meat industry by setting new standards for humane animal treatment, sustainable agriculture, and spiritual connection to food—building a movement that supports small farmers and healthier, more conscious consumers worldwide.

Zhatka Vs. Other Meat Farming Methods

The Future of Farming is Rooted in Faith, Compassion, and Sustainability

Zhatka is not just a farming initiative; it’s a movement grounded in Hindu values and the ancient wisdom of living harmoniously with the Earth. We are the first Hindu faith-based, community-supported regenerative agriculture in the United States, and our mission is to cultivate a system of farming that’s better for the animals, better for the soil, better for the planet, and ultimately, better for everyone’s health.

Zhatka - Regenerative Farming

Our journey began with a vision driven by our faith and commitment to sustainable agriculture. We recognized the growing need for ethically sourced, humanely raised meats and animal products within our community. But this wasn’t just about food; it was about embracing a way of life that respects the cycles of nature, the dignity of the creatures we care for, and the sacred connection between the land and those who nurture it.

Zhatka- Our Process

At Zhatka, we believe in the power of honest work—work that honors the land, provides a fair wage, and nurtures both the body and the soul. Regenerative farming is our answer to the growing concerns about industrial agriculture. It’s a holistic approach that heals the land by fostering healthy, living soil and regenerating ecosystems. This goes far beyond “grass-fed” labels—it’s about restoring balance to the land, raising animals in environments where they thrive naturally, whether in pasture or forest, without the use of hormones or antibiotics.

Our vision extends beyond our immediate community. While we hold our neighbors close, we recognize that our responsibility is global. By setting an example of Hindu faith-based, ethically grounded agriculture, we hope to inspire others, both near and far, to reimagine their relationship with food, farming, and the environment.

And then there’s the food itself. Flavor is a testament to the care we put into our work. When the animals are treated with respect and the land is nourished, the result is food that speaks of life, health, and abundance.

Welcome to our table, where faith, sustainability, and flavor come together in harmony.