What Radical Transparency Means to Us
Educating consumers is one of many things that makes our brand different. We want you to know as much as possible about where your food comes from - everything from how it was raised to how it nourishes your body. So we practice radical transparency by using scientific studies to prove the nutritional value of our products, and testing our soil to demonstrate how we help reverse climate change - just to name a few.
Open Farm Policy
As part of our mission to be as transparent as possible, we ensured we had an open farm policy. This means a consumer can come visit any of our farms to see how our standards are implemented every day. In addition, we are supported by Agri Extension with a key focus on educating future farmers of America. You don’t have to be a future farmer to go to TAMU and learn about our methods - from raising microbreeds and herds to sustainable farming practices. You can find our farms listed here and if you happen to be interested in sustainable farming, we are always looking for new family farms to join our movement.
Nutrient Levels
There are numerous studies that prove the benefits of pasture-raised meat compared to conventionally raised animals, but we took this one step further by having our meat tested. An expert scientist in omega fatty acids performed these tests in his lab by comparing our products omega 3 levels to that of conventionally raised. You can read all about our results [here].
Ingredients Online
Any of our products that have salt, spices or custom sauces have the ingredients listed online. Our flavored meats often have a few ingredients to make the flavor even more delicious. For example, our meats have a variety of seasonings so all you have to do is cook them up and enjoy!Â
Soil Testing
A huge difference between us and factory farms is that we are practicing methods that improve the soil and slow climate change. We regularly have the soil tested at our farms to ensure our regenerative farming methods are being followed. These tests have proven that Zhatka farms are building soil—the primary indicator of productive, healthy land. Increasing organic matter is the fundamental goal of regenerative farmers, particularly those interested in offsetting climate change. You can learn all about it here.
Farm Standards
Every farm must adhere to our standards, which means a better life for the animals, a better environment for the future, and a better end product for you. Our detailed standards are on our website here for everyone to read.
Our aim is to invite our customers in to see how our business is run and why our products are the highest quality to feed themselves and their families. Complete transparency means we deliver products that you can trust and know that if you ever have any questions, our team is here for you: store@zhatka.farm.